The benefits of writing and its ancillary effects on one’s growth in learning and scholarship are well-known.
While the benefits of writing and its ancillary effects on one’s growth in learning and scholarship are well-known, a typical talmid in BMG was never formally taught how to write a “shtickel Torah”. Most would struggle to try and formulate their thoughts in writing in a coherent and cogent fashion. Coupled with the already hectic schedule in Yeshiva which does not leave much time for extracurricular activity, this important resource was being under-utilized. Talmudo B’Yado was created to change that. Established by the Roshei Yeshiva in 2008, the program not only creates a structured framework to encourage talmidim to write, it also provides hands-on and focused hadracha towards improving their communication skills.
3 year program

A three-year program, participants need to submit two shticklach per zman within an established timeframe. The submissions are then typed and professionally reviewed by expert editors who offer targeted suggestions of specific changes or areas where the writer can improve. The talmid then takes his work to a program Rosh Chabura who reviews it with him for both content and form and offers further suggestions for enhancement. After completing ten shticklach, the final zman of the program is devoted to further review and polishing of the work, which is then published as a standalone kuntres for each individual talmid. The kuntreisim are distributed at a gala Siyum-Melava Malka, in the presence of wives, parents, in-laws and distinguished guests, as together they celebrate the talmid’s tangible monumental achievement. The sense of accomplishment and satisfaction is exceeded only by the talmid’s own recognition of his own latent abilities and meeting the challenge of taking his learning to another level.

In addition, Talmudo B’Yado runs a full Publication Center. Initially conceived to enable graduates of the program to continue their writing and publishing, it evolved into something much bigger. Offering the full range of publication services including typing, editing, typesetting, and both soft and hardcover printing at the lowest costs in the industry, we have printed hundreds of both softcover kuntreism and hardcover seforim, with new kuntreisim and seforim being printed all the time. Our office is located on campus of Beth Medrash Govoha, 619 7th St. Lakewood, NJ 08701. For further information please contact Rabbi Yitzchok Wagner, Rosh Hamifal, at 732-367-1060 ext. 4266, or

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